Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Another Proud Grand Rapids Moment

Stephen Krebs and Matt Hill got a BIG GR welcoming in the county jail. CornerStone Baptist University arrested the two SoulForce Riders as they walked in the students center. SoulForce Riders are a group Gay Christians who travel to religious universities to open dialog about the Bible and homosexuality .
The Grand Rapids Press called them" gay-right activists" which is like calling a Vibe a SUV, but activist insights a much bigger reaction, then gay folks who just want to talk. The SoulForce Riders are being welcome into Calvin Christian College . The Calvinist are alway willing to talk before they judge, God-bless 'em.
Being Agnoist, it seems to me like alot of wasted energy on everyone part, But Hey! it may not be my thing... but if it yours its ok.

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