Monday, June 30, 2008

Day 5-8 The truth about the Barbie Conventions

I'm going to tell the truth about the Barbie Conventions, here goes... they aren't that interesting.

Let me clarified that by saying they are fun-at least to me, a collector. But I stand by my statement that they aren't interesting.

have been to other convention and festivals, in most way the Barbie Conventions are the same, maybe even a little duller. A couple of years ago David and I stayed at a Hotel during the Pampered Chief, those people knew how to party...Barbie Convention there isn't much drinking.

I will say there is small percentage -who are well... just not right, but that percentage is alot less most group , visit a trekie convention if your want proof. Last year I had a lady with blue hair scream at me , about a comment I made about the My Scene line of dolls.

I use to think the outfits were alittle wild, then I went to Ham Radio Fest with my father. Wild dress is just what people do at convention. We all have T shirts and baseball Barbie caps that we are to self conscience to wear anywhere else. But we don't wear shiner caps.

We have our charitable events like, usually for children, like most convention.

And like all convention we have our showroom and salesroom. They present new products buy , sales and sometimes trade with each other. People made one of a kinds dolls, tshirt, handbags, pin, outfits anything under the sun to s

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