Tuesday, March 03, 2009

those wacky Devos-In laws

Just a couple of weeks after announcing the pull out of American troops in Iraqi, Blackwater CEO is stepping down.Erik Prince the founder of Blackwater has called it a day.


Erik is the son of Edgar and Elsa Prince. Elsa if you remember gave $450,000.00 to prop 8. Prince Erik didn't fall form the tree as a intern in the White House under George H W Bush he stated I saw a lot of things I didn't agree with—homosexual groups being invited in, the budget agreement, the clean air act those kinds of bills. Prince is the brother -inlaw of Richard Devos.
Erik is all supporter of several conservative groups including Focus on the Family and Christian Freedom International. His sister Betsy is the former chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party and married into Amway money.

This blond all American boy started Blackwater Worldwide in 1996. Blackwater has been broil in controversies with it involvement in Iraqi war. His employees were sometimes refer ed to as Mercenaries who were involved in shooting and arms smuggling.

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