Saturday, May 02, 2009

I don't make this up-Grand Rapids

Proof the Grand Rapids is one the most conservative parts of the nation. The Reddest state in the County Governor was uninvited to speak to West Michigan Republican. Too Liberal- He believed in Civil Unions. Oy-Vey, So much for friendly West Michigan Welcome. Not Surprising since the Prince and DeVos pretty much control the local GOP. Devos and family have spent a great deal of money stoping gay marriage and Civil Union through out the county.

Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., a rising Republican star and presidential aspirant, will not be speaking to the Kent County party faithful Saturday, after all.
Why? Two words: civil unions.

After reading in Sunday's Press that the Mormon governor of one of the country's reddest states supports civil unions for same-sex couples, Kent County Republican Party Chairman Joanne Voorhees pulled the plug.
In an e-mail sent to party members Monday, Voorhees said she canceled his appearance at a fundraiser Saturday morning after conducting further research on his positions on issues.
Citing the April 15
Kent County Tea Party, Voorhees wrote, "The voters want and expect us to stand on principle and return to our roots. Unfortunately, by holding an event with Governor Huntsman, we would be doing the exact opposite."
Voorhees did not return Press calls for comment, but her decision landed with a thud among some party leaders, though none will share their criticism on the record.
Joanne Voorhees
"All I can say is that Joanne set it up unilaterally, and unilaterally canceled it," said party vice-chairman Chris Beckering.
Beckering also said he admires Voorhees for being passionate about her beliefs.
The timing of the announcement is more interesting since it came one day before Republican Sen. Arlen Specter said he would change parties because his party has moved too far to the right.

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