Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Michigan Marriage.

Interesting reading AFA response to this article.

The Detroit Free Press reports on a new poll that shows a remarkable and significant shift in public opinion in Michigan over the issue of same-sex marriage. In 2004, a state constitutional amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage passed with 59% of the vote, but if that vote were held today it would be much closer:
In what Glengariff Group pollster Richard Czuba describes as a seismic shift in public opinion, even support for gay marriage has nearly doubled since a similar poll in 2004. That poll was conducted before voters approved an amendment to the Michigan Constitution defining marriage as exclusively between a man and a woman.
In October 2004, a Glengariff poll showed 24% of Michiganders supported marriage rights for same-sex partners, and only 42% supported legal recognition of civil unions. In the new poll, support for same sex marriage was 46.5% and for civil unions 63.7%. Forty-eight percent of state voters said they opposed adding marriage rights, the only one of nine gay rights issues not winning majority support.
This mirrors a national shift in public opinion over the last few years as well. Poll after poll now shows voters divided about equally on the question of gay marriage with a sizable majority being in favor of either gay marriage or civil unions granting the same rights and protections that marriage would.

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