Monday, October 30, 2006

Amazing Story

In Grand Rapids, Michigan something amazing happen this week. Someone who was sent away to prison for a crime thanked the lawyer who prosecuted him. All this is amazing enough but the two people involved were William Merrill and Charles Colson.
Charles Colson, also known a Richards Nixon's evil genius was put in prison for his involment in the Watergate breakin /coverup. William Merrill was the lawyer hired by the Demarcates to bring Nixon and his toadies to trial. Colson received 7 months in prison
For those of you young'n reading this post, imagine the Clinton -Lewinsky scandal being 10 times bigger. Then imagine Bill Clinton thanking Linda Tripp for bringing the scandal to light.

I feel sad this story didn't get much media attention. It did make to the front page of the Grand Rapids Press but not the headline, its was second to Tigers losing streak. Such a great human interest story, I thought deserved national coverage.

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