Saturday, October 25, 2008

What I'm watching- Mists of Avalon

I love King Arthur movies. So you would thought I would seen The Mist of Avalan years ago. To be honest I didn't like the book. It was difficult to follow and had a depressing feeling to it.
The mini-series was a great improve over the book.
The movie presented the Arthur's legend as told by Morgan (Morgan Le Fey) Arthur's half-sister and a witch. Morgan is usually presented a vileness who seduced Arthur and produced a son the destroyed Camelot. Morgan was played byJulianna Margulies . Who was fablous in the role. Julianne played the character perfectly.

This movie fill in loop holes in the tales. I like that. I also liked the witches were real with powers. Not like the Mary Steward book where Merlin ,Morgan and Vivian used tricks. More details of Avalon and witches including the Lady of the Lake.

I like Morgan was a heroine. I didn't like the sordid relationship before Arthur, Gwenhwyfar and Lancelot. The 3 way scene was more then I wanted to know. I prefer Lancelot and Gwen to be romanitic and Arthur to turn a blind eye.
As alway Arthur is played as a innocent. Have can a man who rules a county and kills the saxons be so gosh damn naive. Edward Atterton played Arthur who loved his older sister as a child and get in her pants by a trick of fate.
The three sister Anjelica Huston as Viviane,Joan Allen as Morgause Caroline Goodall as Igraine are wonderful. Morgause Igraine and Viviane do plenty of self service scheming to get what they want. Joan Allen is just evil.

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