Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Indiana maybe get Gay Marriage Ban

A GOP-ruled House committee voted 8-4 along party lines Monday to advance the proposal, which now moves to the full House for consideration.

The amendment states that only marriage between one man and one woman is valid in Indiana, and prohibits civil unions by stating that a legal status "substantially similar" to marriage for unmarried people is not valid.

Constitutional amendments must go through two separate Legislatures before being put to a public vote, and an amendment banning gay marriage passed the General Assembly in 2005 when Republicans controlled the House and Senate. But in 2006, Democrats won control of the House and the proposal never cleared that chamber again, although some Democrats support the amendment.

This year — with Republicans back in control of the House and Senate — the amendment is back. And the arguments the House committee heard Monday were largely the same as in previous years

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