Saturday, December 16, 2006

How I like My Lesbians

My workmates and I, all went out for dinner Wednesday. Lynn and I were the only two gay people at the dinner. We were all enjoying great conversation and good Italian dinner.
Then I noticed a very attractive young couple coming through the door. A tall, very beached blond without a bra in a gold lame strapless dress and stiletto heels. Her smaller dark hair companion was holding the door dressed in mans pants and dress shirt .Like a car accidents I couldn't take my eyes off of them. As the butch ordered dinner for her partner as she giggled discussed shopping and outfits. The dark hair one sat there solemn faced, legs spread tapping her boots as if in annoyance saying only a few words and the occasional grunt.The blond continue to dominate the conversation with unnatural high voice and the dark hair one would nod.
Lynn leaned over and whispered "What are they doing?, it''s creeping me out"
"Its called role play, something that was common in the until into 60's, both gays and lesbians did it " I said then added "I thought its was long death"
Lynn "OH MY GOD! I've heard about such things but never thought I would see it"
"I'm angry, I didn't get my ass kicked in high school to have these little muff divers set us back fifty years" I continued "role playing strips your identity" -I like my lesbians to be their own person, give me bumper sticker, brikenstocks and opinions".
My chatter was wasted, Lynn was much too engrossed in watching in the couple" The blond was letting out a high pitched squeal and the brunette padded her ass and pulled her closer.
After a few moments Lynn stated "I can't take any more, I'll be sick"

As we passed their table to leave. We heard the dark hair grunt "My little woman"
"Hurry" I said "I have pepto tables in my car"

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