Monday, December 11, 2006

Wierd Things about me #1

I love to visit different McDonald's, just for the decor.
In the Sedona's they have a McDonald's with teal green arches( too cool huh?) take a look at this one in Berne, Indiana, a Swiss and Amish community-

Email me if you have a picture of an interesting McDonald's


Emily said...

There is a fun McDonald's in Brown County IN it goes with the decor around it!

Michael said...

cool I'll check next time I'm down that way

sattvicwarrior said...

dude . this does NOT meet your standards of photography . I expect more.. sorry. FANS can be such a chore!!!!!!!!!!!!

sattvicwarrior said...

ALSO. you asked me on one of your other post " hows things goin""??? for some reason i coudlnt post it. try THIS/
tis a response from a previous post of yers..:)
thanks for that ! LIFE is TREATING me fantastic wonderful outrageous and some what spectacular. out here in [ northern] California [ for me at least] the winter season is GREAT. we get rains for a while, and the good news is it keeps me INDOORS so i can create with my music etc. although i DO a lot hiking in the mountains, in pouring rain . tis magic it is lad. !!!!! towering redwoods, mystical paths, waterfalls over giant granite boulders, even the fear of being stalked by mountain lions, . the sound of the ocean through a misty fog off in a distance. . sweat running down me back. . pushing my self to traverse another arroyo. . tis only December , but the first rains already have brought NEW life to the summer parched soil. green shoots of grass are already carpeting the ochre hills and mountains with a new mantle of fresh spring carpet.
our winter is like only two days long. tis not like you dudes in the Midwest. . soon the shortest day of the year.. but for us out here. the day after winter solstice SPRING begins. . its hard to describe. .with your sense of photography you would be blown away with its beauty…
bet it would change ya fer sure it would lad…….. but then again that's what this illusion we call reality is all about . CHANGE. tis the only thing that is constant… for short lived is spring in the life if the world anyway. so ENJOY the brave spectacle while it lasts!!!!! don’t ya think so??

sattvicwarrior said...

damn dude!!!!!!!!!!! ME AGAIN . im rather disappointed in your latest photos. your others had your SOUL!!!!. these are. a " FAST FOOD JOINT"!!!!!!!!. c’mon . do better. . i EXPECT more. . some of your works [ photo] are haunting. these are silly.
you have an audience. so give em yer BEST!!!!!!!!!
NOT a burger joint!!!!!!!!!!!!
the tree is silly. . your far to sophisticated for such nonsense .
a SUNSET on a cold winter in the Midwest can evoke a great sense of a new beginning . you HAVE that in yer scope mate. .
show some WINTER scenes. not a stupid FOOD place.
let me see the FROZEN ground as YOU see it..
photo something that connects with your breath as you stand alone on a winter day, freezing your ass off wondering what you are doing there and why?? give a photo of what your BODY is feeling as you contemplate your spirituality through the camera .
your others works from a earlier season were HAUNTING.
i could write MUSIC around it! I can PAINT a fantastic picture of it. because the way you presented it.
sorry dude. this is what you get when you get an AUDIENCE!!!!!!!,
forget the fast food icon. . more of your SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. tis what men do !!!!!!