Sunday, December 07, 2008

Amsterdam-bye bye brothels

There is a joke in West Michigan it goes like this

Why don't the Dutch screw standing up on Sunday?

Someone may look through the window and think they are dancing

Yeah we got the Conservative ones. The dry county one. Don't crack cold one in front yard. The hell and brimstone ones. When I moved from Indiana and told people I took a transcendental meditation class- I might as had 4 eyes. Hoosier are Conservative -but different , Same virus different strain.

Yet I never met a Dutch-American who didn't talk with pride about wild, libel Amsterdam.

In a effort to stop organized crime, Amsterdam is closing brothels, sex shop and marijuana cafes. Its less then 20% of the total brothel, sex shop and MJ coffee houses. There will still be 200 windows for girls to flash their wears.

I was surprised to hear there was underbelly of crime in Amsterdam. I thought the Netherlands did a great job keeping everything above board.

I wonder if this will have any effect of the Gay Scene in Amsterdam. I've alway heard its wild.

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